Friday, December 29, 2017

Never Stop Daydreaming

I have always had a problem with daydreaming. I probably spent about 60 percent of my time in school as a kid off somewhere which actually is not too terrible. It's been estimated that we spend a third to half of our lives daydreaming. I was always chastised for it because the standard thinking is that it shows a lack of focus, respect and work ethic. Now new research from the Max Plank Institute confirms a theory that's been around for a while. Daydreaming is not idleness. It's a healthy, sort of cat-like readiness. Your brain has about twenty different networks that can be firing on all cylinders but not at once. There is a kind of competition up there and if one network is taking command, the others take a backseat. That's why multitasking isn't actually multitasking. The network that controls daydreaming is called the default network and it comes into play when nothing is happening that your brain considers important. 

Our brain has three main regions for daydreaming: 

1. The medial prefrontal cortex 
  • The medial prefrontal cortex helps imagine ourselves and the thoughts and feelings of others. 
2. The posterior cingulate cortex 
  • The posterior cingulate cortex draws personal memories from the brain.
3. The parietal cortex 
  • The parietal cortex has major connections with the hippocampus (which stores episodic memories i.e. what you ate for breakfast) 
These are areas that handle big important things like planning, personality, and processing information and with all their executive powers combined, they make you zone out on your drive home and imagine you are a werewolf. Admittedly, that doesn't sound useful. Also, imagining being a werewolf might just be a me thing. Unimportant doesn't mean that the activity is useless by the way. Your teacher's presentation is useful, driving home safely is useful but you don't really need all your brain power for it. You've driven home a million times. You can do it without total focus. But your brain is not a lazy place. It doesn't like to be idle. So if another network isn't needed, it switches to the default network. As silly as my werewolf daydreams may sound, daydreaming, imagination and self-referential thought are incredibly complex tasks. It's sort of a mental training exercise. 

It can also serve a purpose to the dreams we have at night, helping us process information and figuring things out - sort of a Spring cleaning. We may not be focusing on something immediately important like your teacher's presentation but it could be important for long-term goal planning and learning. And you know, you need downtime. Just like you can't always be running at full speed, you can't always be working at your top mental capacity. If you're getting stressed, flustered or unproductive, switching into default mode can help you lower your stress levels, organize all the input being thrown at you, and come back to clarity and efficiency. Have you ever snapped out of a daydream with an answer to a problem that was bugging you? There you go. The nice thing about the default network is that it allows for an easy override. The second something important happens like an unexpected red light or a teacher calling your name, it immediately surrenders control back to the important stuff. So the next time someone calls you lazy for daydreaming, you just let them know you are defragged, organized and three steps ahead of them. 

We have a whole network of bustling memories and streaming movies - starring ourselves - in our head. Let your brain ramble. 

Still there? Tell us: What do you daydream about? 

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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

3 Important Self-Reflective Questions to Answer Before 2018

Perhaps the best way to become a better person and grow from your experiences is—while ending a certain period of your life—reflecting on that chapter with honesty and courage to see what you need to change, add, reduce, and remove. Great self-reflection is about seeing all that’s happened, asking how those things affected me, and who I am now because of it, and then planning where I am headed from this point forward. It’s a lot easier said than done, though, as many people start the new year with resolutions that they end up forgetting within a couple months or even weeks. The key is to go deeper than just a plain statement, and to think deeper than the surface. As a result, you can use the last year as motivation and building blocks for an improved year and better self. 

Here are three important questions to ask yourself to become a better, more confident you in 2018: 

1. Am I headed in the right direction?

This question is tough to answer, and it’s an easy one to say yes to quickly without much thought. But, there’s a sure marker that will guide you to answer this accurately. The best way to check whether your 2017 was spent in the right direction is if you genuinely like the person that you have become this past year and are still becoming. Yes, we make mistakes—there are fallouts and losses, shortcomings and disappointing moments, but there are also great triumphs and moments of sheer joy. Despite it all, if there’s a deep sense of satisfaction with the person you are now who’s recognizably better in your own eyes than when this year started, that’s a positive sign that your life is going in line with your essence. The key point to remember when assessing your situation is “in your own eyes.” It’s easy to succumb to the critical eyes of others and put yourself way down, but what matters only in the end is your acceptance and recognition of your own self. 

If you feel disappointed with the answer you got for this question, don’t worry. Our lives, like a sailing ship, can change course when we choose to. Ask yourself what is it that you want that will help you become a person you genuinely feel good and confident about.  

Whether you’re on a brighter path or one that leaves more to be desired, this is the perfect time to answer this important question of, “Am I headed in the right direction?” Apply it in all aspects of your life to assess your trajectory with honesty and courage, so you don’t unknowingly continue to go down a path that leaves you unhappier as the years go by.

2. Who do I want to be in 2018?

This question is a natural segway from the previous one. Take all you’ve gained from the last reflection and set goals for yourself in the new year ahead by asking, “Who do I want to be in 2018?” 

New Year’s resolutions are often short-lived and can easily be forgotten if there was no real (or realistic) plan for following through with them. What are some personal and job related goals that you hope to achieve in the upcoming year? Is it to get out of a toxic relationship? Is it to become a gifted healer? Or is it to become a better partner?

The goal here is to clarify in your own mind who you want to be and set the direction you’ll be heading towards in 2018. Track your decisions in health, spirituality, self-growth, relationships, work — everything relevant to your life. When you look back on this year, can you see that everything unfolded from your choices? Now, the question is, where those choices made with a clear direction in mind or not? From the moment you wake up,  you are making choices as you go about your day. You choose to get out of bed, you choose to go to work, you choose to finish that assignment, you choose to get into an argument with someone. Whether good or bad, it was a string of choices today, the last month, and last year that brought you to this moment.This reflection is about setting your course for your journey in the upcoming year. Choose in your mind who you want to be in 2018 so you can take create your environment to help you become that person. 

3. What is my first action step toward my goal?

After plotting out who you want to be and where you are headed, you can use those points to mold the specific steps to get to your projected 2018 self. It’s easy and quite natural to become overwhelmed at the thought of planning for a whole year. So instead, try thinking about one thing: the first action you need to take towards your goal. What is that first step? 

Do you wish to practice meditation this year? Then maybe the first step you can take is setting up a meditation space in your home. Do you want to travel more? Write down a list of countries you’d like to go to and set a plan to save money. Breaking down big ideas into small, bite-size actions is essential for being able to achieve your goals. Focusing just on the first step after setting your direction will help you start with something that you can build on. Once you’ve completed the first step, then revisit the question again and ask yourself: “And now, what’s my first step from this point?” Take one step at a time and you’ll soon look back at the end of 2018 and realize that you’ve progressed miles towards your dream. As the Buddha famously said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” and the journey to your goals in 2018 begins with one small action step at a time. 

How do you feel now? Not everyone spends the time to invest in self-reflection, so you can be proud of the steps you’ve taken. As you digest your life in the last year, you will learn a lot about yourself and where you’re at. These steps are vital to gaining true satisfaction in life and to actually making a change in your path, rather than accepting the usual and drifting. It’s up to you to make the choice to change and improve — make this year the start of a new era of self-love, progress, and happiness. 

Monday, December 25, 2017

4 Challenges for Mid-market Ecommerce in 2018

Changes in shopper behavior, improvements in technology, and pricing policies meant to “protect” small, brick-and-mortar retailers all represent significant challenges to mid-market e-commerce and mid-market omnichannel retail businesses in 2018.

These businesses will need to (a) understand voice search, (b) evaluate investments in voice applications, (c) assess machine-learning implications, and (d) adjust purchasing and marketing practices to address EMAP — electronic manufacturer approved pricing policies.

1. Voice Search

The popularity of voice search will significantly change search engine marketing in the next few years.

Mid-market e-commerce and brick-and-click retailers understand shoppers are increasingly using voice to search the internet and applications, but in 2018, those businesses may not know how to optimize for voice search or market to shoppers though virtual assistants or the voice-enabled internet of things.

Uncertainty — about optimizing for voice search or the role that virtual assistants play in that search — could put mid-market e-commerce retailers at a competitive disadvantage relative to large, well-funded, omnichannel retailers that have been investing in and researching voice search for a few years.

Think about competing with Amazon for shopping-related searches on Alexa.

To face and overcome this challenge, mid-market retailers need to optimize for voice search early in 2018, recognizing the differences in query length, keyword choice, and shopping intent. Natural language and answering questions will become a lot more important for search-engine-optimization success.

It may well be the case merchants will need to add more content to product detail pages or consider optimized page structures.

2. Voice Applications

Closely related to voice search is the increase in the use of voice-enabled and voice-based applications.

Virtual assistants (such as Google Home, Amazon Echo, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Apple’s HomePod) and internet-of-things devices (such as the Apple Watch or an Internet-enabled Samsung refrigerator) can do more than just search the internet.

These voice-enabled devices can access applications, too, such as those developed for voice and, in some cases, for shopping.

As an example, look at Walmart’s recent “Anything You Want” commercial that shows a family placing Walmart orders via a Google Home device and Google Express.

This combination of a virtual assistant, a voice application, and an enterprise retailer can be hard to beat for customer loyalty and customer experience.

In 2018, mid-market retailers should make significant technology investments, building in-house application development teams capable of creating and deploying applications for virtual assistants and the internet of things.

3. Machine-learning

Machine learning has been a hot topic in 2017, and interest in it will only increase in 2018. The technology has promise for e-commerce and retailing, including:
  • Intelligent, automated customer service,
  • Improved site search,
  • Better, personalized on-site merchandising,
  • Data-driven, market-based pricing,
  • Fraud detection,
  • Automated product ordering and replenishment.
  • Improved business intelligence and predictions.
  • The challenge with machine learning is not the technology itself or any of its possible uses, but simply that large, enterprise-level retail businesses will be better suited to use machine learning and, therefore, may be able to gain a competitive advantage over mid-market companies.

Here again, these mid-market retail businesses can address this challenge with an investment in application and software development. A second key will be to build on relatively low-cost open source projects.

4. EMAP Restrictions

Mid-market retailers are often most successful when they serve a specific niche market segment. Effectively, this can make these businesses “specialty” retailers.

The problem in 2018 is that the majority of “specialty” retailers may not yet be involved in e-commerce or may not yet be successful at e-commerce.

Instead of improving their online sales capabilities, a number of these brick-and-mortar, specialty retailers have appealed to their suppliers, asking them to “protect” their sales. The result has been the development of so-called EMAP or “electronic manufacturer approved pricing policies.” These policies require retailers to sell products at a higher price online than those same products can be sold for in a physical store.

In the pet food and pet supply industry, as an example, several manufacturers have introduced EMAP policies that will take effect in late 2017 or the beginning of 2018. In one extreme example, a well-known pet food supplier is requiring merchants to sell its products for 30-percent more online than in a physical store.

These policies could make some specialty retailers far less competitive online. To address this challenge, mid-market, multichannel sellers have a few options.

First, push back on manufacturers. EMAP policies are bad for consumers and bad for retailers. It is a step backward.

Second, change suppliers. Look for e-commerce-friendly suppliers instead. There are many good choices.

Third, introduce a membership club for shoppers. Some EMAP policies allow exceptions for shopping clubs or similar business models that require consumers to pay a membership fee, such as charging consumers $1 per year to join, to then save 30 percent on their dog food orders.

Friday, December 22, 2017

What Do You Value That Doesn't Cost Money?

I value the people that haven given me insight and education on the greatest band in the history of the world over the years. 

I became a Dead fan in roughly 2000... after Jerry died... and the people I've came across, the experiences I've had and mostly importantly the lifestyle I've chosen all are in some way attributed to being a Grateful Dead fan. 

Built to Last just came on. I'm going to go dance in my living room. 

RIP Captain Trips 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

5 Sweet Benefits of Eating Raw Honey (Hint: It's Good For Your Belly)

1. BOOST IMMUNE SYSTEM: Taking a spoonful of raw honey every day promotes the growth of good bacteria in your gut, which helps strengthen your immune system. 

2. SPEED UP HEALING: Applied directly to the wounds, honey can help heal minor to moderate wounds. 

3. ANTIBACTERIAL: All honey is antibacterial, because bees add an enzyme which makes hydrogen peroxide, which kills bacteria. 

4. COUGH SUPPRESSANT: Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, honey not only soothes throats but can also kill certain bacteria that causes the infection in the first place. 

5. SLEEP AID: Taking honey before bed can help you sleep better by contributing to the release of melatonin in the brain. 

Monday, December 18, 2017

The Power in Allowing Ourselves to Be Breathed By Life

Have you ever stopped what you are doing to listen in on the stories being spun in your mind? Have you ever considered that perhaps whatever intense feeling you may be experiencing at the moment is meant to be just that - an experience. 

Instead of mistaking who we are for what is happening in our lives, what might happen if we agree to view all life encounters, good and bad, as moving pieces that can flow through us? I can’t help but notice that there is a lot of acceptance and joy in allowing ourselves the gift to be breathed by life.

These are the key points, and learning I have been practicing, perhaps they may be a fit for you too.

Pay Attention

Pay attention to the stories you are weaving. They are most likely creative and detailed and awesome, and they probably feel really real. Our personal chronicles can entertain, bring joy, sadness, frustration, loneliness and so much more. I find it inspiring that we are all storytellers in our own right and we have been given creative license to concoct some of the most brilliant tales in a matter of minutes - it’s simply amazing!

What I find most intriguing by all of this, is that more often than not these tales have absolutely no truth in them whatsoever. See what happens when you put your focus on the stories running through your mind for a part of your day. Is it possible that some of what you are telling yourself is based on fears and worries, or details that aren’t actually true for you? These stories may be about yourself, about others or about your experiences.

I enjoy checking in on my stories just to marvel at my creativity. Every time I do, I am equally blown away by the untruths in the stories I am telling myself. I am often humored and entertained by my observations. At the same time, I also feel a wave of relief wash over me by knowing I can detach from the story through recognizing its lack of truth. 

Paying attention to the stories we create for ourselves, is one of the quickest ways to get out of a funk and instead become centered and present in the moment. I believe we are all equipped with the ability to self-reflect. If we choose, each of us can willingly step outside of a participation role in our lives and into an observer role. 

So whenever you are feeling a little stuck on something for too long, see what happens when you step into your observer role and pay attention to the story you are currently creating. As you do, be sure to check in to see if an element of creative fiction has been woven into the story.

You are More

You are not your thoughts, feelings, and actions - you are so much more. You are a creator, an observer and a participant of all of your thoughts, feelings, and actions throughout this grand life adventure. So create, observe and participate loudly, fully and proudly. But whatever you do, don’t attach your worth to your creations, observations, and experiences.

This isn’t about being hard on ourselves for what we should or shouldn’t be thinking or be feeling. See what happens when you are willing to acknowledge the occurrence of whatever is going on for you and be okay with your reaction - it’s just a reaction, it isn’t who you are.

There is a wonderful sense of inner peace that comes when we allow whatever is going on for us to pass through, without attaching our worth to it. We are human and therefore thoughts and experiences exist. Remind yourself often that it is okay for them to exist, you can question them, alter them, embellish them and see the reality before you because of them. Thoughts may turn into things, but you don’t have to become them. You are so much more!

Be Moved

Instead of confusing yourself by believing you have become an experience, feeling, thought or label. See what happens when you shift your narrative. If your story is: I am anxious, angry or frustrated. See what changes when you say to yourself: it is okay to experience anxiety, anger, or frustration etc. They are just experiences. The same goes for joy, abundance, and excitement. There is a lot of peace and acceptance for what is when we can see that nothing lasts forever.

It becomes easier to open the door to fully experience life’s magic as a willing and aware participant when we begin to notice the ebb and flow of life before us. There is room to be moved by an infinite number of other thoughts and experiences eagerly waiting to pass through us, there is no need to fixate on any of them.

Have fun with this practice, laugh at yourself often and be delighted at the life moving through you. Above all else, remember that at the end of the day whatever may be going on, good or bad, it will not remain this way forever. The landscape of life will change and new opportunities and ways of experiencing life will inevitably be there to move through and inspire you.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Dub Cee Swag Offers Last Minute Gift Ideas

Looking for a last minute holiday gift for that hard-to-shop-for mother-in-law or tech-savvy friend? Take a walk through the west coast's finest superstore, Dub Cee Swag, and shop for stylish and timeless pieces at

There you’ll find everything from glassware, espresso sets, watches, candles, pillows and throws, home decor and one of my personal favorites – military grade iPhone cases.        


A few favorite items (under $100!):

Baroque Tassel Throw Blanket ($29.95)

Kevlar Universal Case For iPhone 6 Plus And 6s Plus And 7 Plus Black ($39.99)

Sitting Monk Treasure Box ($11.99)

Wooden Tray Candleholder ($39.95) 

Wine Enthusiast Fusion Infinity Chardonnay And Chablis Wine Glasses 4 Pk ($69.95) 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

12 Guaranteed Methods to Raise Your Vibrations

People are much more advanced than we think we are. We are intuitive, spiritual creatures who give off constant frequencies and vibrations. With practice, you can manipulate your vibrational frequency to be increased.

Everything about us is a given off frequency or a received frequency.

Everything that is, was, or ever will be, gives off a specific frequency of vibrations. Every thought, feeling, and emotion is some form of vibration.

You know how sometimes you can really feel the hurt someone you love is going through? It’s like you feel it in your stomach.

This is referred to as empathy, but it’s actually you receiving that person’s vibrational frequencies.

It’s a natural response. Some people feel these frequencies much more powerfully than most people do, enabling them to read people like the back of a card.

There are even simple ways to practice raising your own vibrational frequency! Here’s how.

Be Conscious of Your Thoughts

In order to raise your vibrational state, you need to be conscious of what’s going on in your own mind. Pay close attention to every thought you have, what caused it, and how it affected you.

You have to be aware of the relevance of your thoughts. They’re more than pointless thought bubbles. They’re what makes up the entire you.

Practice Meditation

Meditation has a ton of different benefits, both medical and spiritual. Meditating allows you to become fully aware of your spirituality.

It makes you take note of the power of your mind. Many people think it is too hard, but you’re just trying too hard. All you have to do is let the universe flow freely through you.

Eat Consciously

Foods can affect your vibrational state, believe it or not. Some food is contaminated with pesticides that make you feel weaker. Whole and natural foods make you feel better physically and emotionally.

Refrain from Drugs and Alcohol

Drugs and alcohol affect your vibrational state too. Drugs blind you of your own personality, leaving you with nothing but a dependence. Your vibrations will never be steady or stable with a drug addiction.

Listen to What the Music Tells You

Music is good for more than pleasing the ears. Music can tell us a lot about our true selves.
When you’re listening to that one powerful song, pay attention to the thoughts it’s making you have. You can learn a lot more about the true essence of life by doing this.

Be Aware of the Home Environment

Home environments are extremely important to your health, mentality, and vibrational frequencies too. A bad home environment can ruin your vibrations.

A negative home can make you someone you’re not, and block you completely from your spiritual abilities.

Do Random Acts of Kindness

Random acts of kindness are so much more than just helping someone else. It does more good for you than it does them.

It makes you humble, appreciative, and nothing beat the smile you get when helping someone. Good karma comes around too.

Practice Compassion

Compassion is extremely important. We have trouble understanding that we are all the same in the modern day time.

We are all people with their own issues, gifts, traits, and talents. There is no reason for us to think our feelings are superior to one another’s.

Forgive and Forget

Many people think that forgiveness is the one who hurt you, but it’s not. It doesn’t do anything for that person. It helps you. Hurt is nothing unless you continue to remember it.

When someone hurts you take it as a lesson. Don’t let them continue doing it, but forgive them for it. Realize that you didn’t do anything to deserve it, and move on.

It makes you feel better. Holding grudges eat you alive while leaving the other person completely unaffected.

Play some Drums

Drums have a rhythmic tone that soothes people, stabilizing their vibrations. Sometimes are vibrations even synchronize to the sound waves and frequencies around us.

The rhythm of the drums can put you in a trance-like state that moves the conscious controller (ego) out of the way to allow for dissonant energies to be vibrated apart

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are sound frequencies that your own frequencies adjust to. it typically consists of two different pneumonic sounds.

Your brain will adapt and fill in the middle of the sound gap, making it constant instead of a beat.

Monday, December 11, 2017

4 Ways to Power Up Your Morning + Have a Great Day

When I was younger, I was by no means a morning person. If someone were to tell me that morning would be my favorite time of day in ten years, I probably would’ve laughed. However, years later when I began to wake up at 6am for work, I realized what I was missing out on all my life.

Morning is simply a beautiful time of day, one that I think no one should allow themselves to miss out on. The good news is, even if you aren’t a morning person right now, you can train yourself to be as I did, and start enjoying all the benefits of getting up super early. Today, I want to talk about some basic tips that will help you become a morning person by learning to appreciate everything a wonderful morning can give you.

Never Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is also my favorite meal of the day, simply because of the fact that I’m never as hungry as I am in the morning. If you give your body a nice, healthy breakfast as early as possible, you’ll be filled with energy. Skip breakfast, and the only thing you’ll want to do is get back into bed after a few hours. If you can, try to avoid coffee early in the day, as it can cause those mid-morning crashes that are no fun for anybody. Instead, save your coffee for the early afternoon or switch to tea if you enjoy the ritual of a warm drink in the morning.

Meditation Session

One of my favorite things to do in the morning is just sit in my bed, clear my mind and meditate for 10 to 20 minutes. It really helps me center my thoughts, wash the drowsiness from my body and prepare for everything I need to do that day so I can do it in a calm, concentrated fashion. I rarely skip this morning ritual, and when I do (if I happen to sleep in) I am noticeably easier to aggravate at work and generally more stressed. It’s a great way to prepare for the day, especially if you manage to get up early enough so you have the kind of peace and quiet that you can’t get during the day.

Greet the Sunrise

The absolute first thing I do when I get up—even before having breakfast or brushing my teeth—is open the door to my balcony, step outside, and take a few deep breaths of that fresh, morning air. As I watch the sunrise for a couple of minutes, I take in the simple beauty of life. This ritual really calms me down and helps me appreciate the fact that I am alive and healthy. Watching the sunrise fills me with a kind of optimism that really comes in handy during a particularly stressful day. Even if you don’t have a nice view, just breathing that cool, fresh air is enough to clear your mind and wipe the sleep from your eyes for good.

Morning Playlist
Morning is also one of my favorite times to listen to music. After my meditation session, the next thing I do is put my headphones on and jam to one of my favorite playlists. Music is one of the the best ways to get the blood pumping through your veins and put you in a good mood in the morning, so you’re ready to tackle any challenges that await you.

As you can see, becoming a morning person is a piece of cake once you realize how cool it actually is. And the best part is, just by getting up a bit earlier you get more time to focus on yourself and do the things that you want to do before you launch into a busy and productive day. Considering how hectic and stressful the modern way of life can be, taking time to honor yourself and your needs first thing in the morning can help you totally transform your lifestyle.

Saturday, December 9, 2017


The drug Dimethyltryptamine also known as DMT is limitless. I’ve been familiar with this drug and it never ceased to amaze me. I don’t think it’s a drug that we can fully understand without esoteric knowledge and certain preparation. I believe this because the DMT experience is a journey beyond all senses of this dimension. DMT is said to take you beyond this material world into the spirit realm. 

DMT is a fierce naturally occurring psychedelic that’s also found in plants, animals, and humans. DMT can be in the form of a liquid to drink or in crystal form where it’s often smoked out of a pipe or bong. After DMT is smoked, it produces a powerful hallucinogenic state that’s considered one of the most intense psychedelic experiences in existence.

DMT was first synthesized in 1931 by Richard Manske through experimentation. When DMT was first discovered nobody knew about the effects on humans nor its presence, therefore it was forgotten about until the South American Shamans found it. Despite its presence in South America, the effects of DMT were not discovered until first reported by Stephen Szara in 1956. The people during the time described DMT to be too dangerous to even experiment, therefore it was made illegal in 1966. In 1970 congress passed laws that made it nearly impossible to do any kind of research on DMT. Fortunately, the FDA approved Rick Strassman to do clinical trials on DMT at the University of New Mexico. It was during these trials where they found DMT in the brains of rats, mice, human blood, human urine, and the cerebral spinal-chord fluid bathing the brain. Once all these were discovered, DMT became the first human psychedelic.

Low doses (0.05 to 0.1 mg/kg) of DMT primarily effect physical and emotional states with few to no hallucinations. High doses typically produce intense techno-colored abstract images. States of anxiety are common along with Euphoric states. Also if you take higher doses, it’s common that you will have an out of body experience or a dissociation of awareness from the physical body. This can transform into euphoria, laughter, amazement, and confusion. It’s also common to distort time so much that you may not be able to comprehend time. For example, someone who smokes DMT might feel like they’re in an alternate Universe longer than they actually are.

Reports suggest that after you smoke DMT you gain better awareness and a better spiritual connection to the world. It is said that DMT can be used to achieve a new perspective on life. Many people who experience DMT also report that it gives them a connection to unconscious parts of their mind, allowing them to overcome mental blocks they have been experiencing. Claims also suggest that people who experience DMT learn to control their emotions better. 

Now let’s look at all the possible dangers and solutions. The most dangerous part about DMT is that the effects are fast and the experiencer has no control over their mind or body. The effects are so fast that it can catch you off guard if you aren’t fully prepared. It’s always safer to have someone such as a friend or a family member to watch over you while you experience DMT. DMT is a very powerful psychedelic and it can have fatal consequences for someone not properly prepared. Don’t take DMT for fun, take it as a life changing experience.

You can learn more about DMT through research and documentaries online.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Belly Button Healing For Overall Gut Health

I am always looking for simple ways to help people achieve optimal states of well being. Today I would like to share Belly Button Healing with you. My teacher Ilchi Lee created Belly Button Healing. Let me tell you how it really works.

There was a patient who could raise her arm 90 degrees. After five minutes of Belly Button Healing, she could raise her arm 135 degrees. Another patient had a leg problem and couldn’t raise his leg. After just five minutes of Belly Button Healing, he was able to raise his leg 90 degrees. You can connect with your bodies natural wisdom by exercising your belly button for only five minutes a day using this remarkable healing method. You can take care of your health and live a long and happy life.

What is Belly Button Healing? 

Usually, people think of their belly button as the scar from the umbilical cord being cut. As a result, we don’t realize the significance of the belly button in everyday life. But here are some surprising facts: 

  • The belly has almost 26 feet of intestines.
  • It holds about 30 to 40 percent of your blood’s volume. 
  • There are over 300 billion neurons in your belly as well as trillions of gut microbes. 
  • Finally, the belly is responsible for about 75 percent of the body’s immunity.

Your health can easily decline if this major area in your body becomes stagnant. By repeating simple stimulation at the center of it all in your belly button, you can pump more vitality in your life. There are two major steps to Belly Button Healing. That’s all you will need to gain the significant health benefits from Belly Button Healing. Step one is belly button breathing. By repeatedly pressing the navel with a rhythm, you promote energy and blood circulation in the body. Step two is belly button massage. For this, you use a massage to find pain points in the navel and the area around it. It’s also a way to resolve problems in the parts of your body that are connected to those spots.

Belly Button Healing is a very, very new idea using a very, very old technique. What does that mean? That means the idea of stimulating the belly button is very, very new in our culture but the way we do belly button healing which is just massaging the intestines is a very, very ancient, not new kind of way to fix something in our bodies. Through using the Belly Button Healing wand, all we do is induce intestinal massage of the muscles in our intestines. If you have stiff shoulders or stiff necks, the first thing we instinctively think of is to massage the muscles, right?  If you’re having a little bit of shoulder pain or neck pain, you want to get those tense muscles loosened up. People forget that your intestines are also actually made out of the muscular tissue. So what that means your intestines are muscles just like any other muscle in your body like your neck or your shoulder. Imagine not massaging your abdominal muscles your whole life. Can you imagine how much stress or tension you would have if just didn’t massage your shoulders? Your shoulders would look very stiff and you would be walking around with a lot of tension. But that’s actually what we’re doing with our intestines. By not massaging those muscles, we’re causing a lot of tension and stress in the abdominal area which translates to a lot of health problems. So this is why we have the handy tool called the Belly Button Healing wand. It is very, very simple to use. It is very, very common sense if you think about it. It’s just a simple tool to help you massage those intestinal muscles that don’t get the attention that they need for your whole life. So that’s why I say this is a very, very new idea using a very, very old technique of just simple, simple massage.

The thing that I find most powerful about Belly Button Healing is that these days if you look in health blogs and newspapers, a lot of people are talking about gut health. I see a lot of articles talking about the importance of microbes, bacteria in your gut, and how they affect your mood and personality. People are finding more and more reasons to talk about this because science is finding new research that directly links your gut bacteria to your personality, the way you think, your mood, stress and all of these things. And the really cool thing that I like about Belly Button Healing is there are a lot of things in the market out there to take care of gut health. A lot of these solutions are like pills, supplements, juices, powders, things that help you flush out or detox but you have to ingest it to get the effects and maintain gut health. The Belly Button Healing wand does not require you to ingest anything, eat anything or change anything. It’s just kind of trusting your body that it knows what to do. It just needs a little help. It just needs a little nudging with the Belly Button Healing wand to help it get going again because digesting three meals a day for your whole life can be very, very tiring for your intestines and you get a little sleep. So what we do with this wand is wake it up, stimulate it, and trusting that your body already has the power and ability to heal yourself. So you don’t need all of those things to maintain gut health. To revitalize your health, I believe you have the power to heal your own body and with your natural ability, you just need a little nudging here and there. That’s why we use this Belly Button Healing tool.

For more detailed information on its benefits, I recommend visiting the following site: I would also go to the belly button healing YouTube channel. Its got many great videos.

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