Friday, December 8, 2017

Belly Button Healing For Overall Gut Health

I am always looking for simple ways to help people achieve optimal states of well being. Today I would like to share Belly Button Healing with you. My teacher Ilchi Lee created Belly Button Healing. Let me tell you how it really works.

There was a patient who could raise her arm 90 degrees. After five minutes of Belly Button Healing, she could raise her arm 135 degrees. Another patient had a leg problem and couldn’t raise his leg. After just five minutes of Belly Button Healing, he was able to raise his leg 90 degrees. You can connect with your bodies natural wisdom by exercising your belly button for only five minutes a day using this remarkable healing method. You can take care of your health and live a long and happy life.

What is Belly Button Healing? 

Usually, people think of their belly button as the scar from the umbilical cord being cut. As a result, we don’t realize the significance of the belly button in everyday life. But here are some surprising facts: 

  • The belly has almost 26 feet of intestines.
  • It holds about 30 to 40 percent of your blood’s volume. 
  • There are over 300 billion neurons in your belly as well as trillions of gut microbes. 
  • Finally, the belly is responsible for about 75 percent of the body’s immunity.

Your health can easily decline if this major area in your body becomes stagnant. By repeating simple stimulation at the center of it all in your belly button, you can pump more vitality in your life. There are two major steps to Belly Button Healing. That’s all you will need to gain the significant health benefits from Belly Button Healing. Step one is belly button breathing. By repeatedly pressing the navel with a rhythm, you promote energy and blood circulation in the body. Step two is belly button massage. For this, you use a massage to find pain points in the navel and the area around it. It’s also a way to resolve problems in the parts of your body that are connected to those spots.

Belly Button Healing is a very, very new idea using a very, very old technique. What does that mean? That means the idea of stimulating the belly button is very, very new in our culture but the way we do belly button healing which is just massaging the intestines is a very, very ancient, not new kind of way to fix something in our bodies. Through using the Belly Button Healing wand, all we do is induce intestinal massage of the muscles in our intestines. If you have stiff shoulders or stiff necks, the first thing we instinctively think of is to massage the muscles, right?  If you’re having a little bit of shoulder pain or neck pain, you want to get those tense muscles loosened up. People forget that your intestines are also actually made out of the muscular tissue. So what that means your intestines are muscles just like any other muscle in your body like your neck or your shoulder. Imagine not massaging your abdominal muscles your whole life. Can you imagine how much stress or tension you would have if just didn’t massage your shoulders? Your shoulders would look very stiff and you would be walking around with a lot of tension. But that’s actually what we’re doing with our intestines. By not massaging those muscles, we’re causing a lot of tension and stress in the abdominal area which translates to a lot of health problems. So this is why we have the handy tool called the Belly Button Healing wand. It is very, very simple to use. It is very, very common sense if you think about it. It’s just a simple tool to help you massage those intestinal muscles that don’t get the attention that they need for your whole life. So that’s why I say this is a very, very new idea using a very, very old technique of just simple, simple massage.

The thing that I find most powerful about Belly Button Healing is that these days if you look in health blogs and newspapers, a lot of people are talking about gut health. I see a lot of articles talking about the importance of microbes, bacteria in your gut, and how they affect your mood and personality. People are finding more and more reasons to talk about this because science is finding new research that directly links your gut bacteria to your personality, the way you think, your mood, stress and all of these things. And the really cool thing that I like about Belly Button Healing is there are a lot of things in the market out there to take care of gut health. A lot of these solutions are like pills, supplements, juices, powders, things that help you flush out or detox but you have to ingest it to get the effects and maintain gut health. The Belly Button Healing wand does not require you to ingest anything, eat anything or change anything. It’s just kind of trusting your body that it knows what to do. It just needs a little help. It just needs a little nudging with the Belly Button Healing wand to help it get going again because digesting three meals a day for your whole life can be very, very tiring for your intestines and you get a little sleep. So what we do with this wand is wake it up, stimulate it, and trusting that your body already has the power and ability to heal yourself. So you don’t need all of those things to maintain gut health. To revitalize your health, I believe you have the power to heal your own body and with your natural ability, you just need a little nudging here and there. That’s why we use this Belly Button Healing tool.

For more detailed information on its benefits, I recommend visiting the following site: I would also go to the belly button healing YouTube channel. Its got many great videos.

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