Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Save Money with our Bulk Buys

Wednesday, January 31st take an extra 10% off all bulk buy products.

One of our missions at Dub Cee Swag is to offer great value and savings to householders across North America. One way to tangibly reduce your monthly household expenses is to buy in bulk and get better value. We can offer this! 

The bulk pricing of our products offers you a really effective way to cut down those monthly bills for consumable products, household cleaning products, and general purchases. 

Because most of our bulk items come in packs of 6-24, you can stock up for the long term OR share your purchases with friends and family. Elderly relatives on a fixed income, or friends and family on a tight budget will really appreciate the fact that you can obtain bulk items at a really good price. The bigger the family, or extended family, the greater the savings could be. 

Not only that, but you can also enjoy the benefit of products delivered directly to your home. No more having to load and unload at stores across town, driving through traffic wishing you had more time for yourself. Freeing up some of that free time to spend with family, working on your business, crafts, gardening, studying, or community service. However you value your free time, we can help you create a bit more of it. 

Additionally, if you're entrepreneurial then the savings you can make on buying bulk (especially with an extra 10% off) means you could sell some of these items within your community, at work or school, for a profit! So you can save money on your household bills, and make a little extra. Smart, huh? For the right person, all it requires is a little bit of effort. 

If you're a business who can benefit from ordering bulk items on a regular basis, why not drop us an email at so we can offer you a long-term arrangement? Loyal customers will benefit from exclusive promotions and periodic discounts. And we support small business, so whatever we can do to help you, let's talk. 

Remember, these products have FREE SHIPPING with NO MINIMUMS

Here are just a few examples of the bulk household products that could save you money:
  • Cleaning, kitchen, and household products
  • School and office products
  • Gift wrapping
  • Cosmetics
  • Home decor
  • Pet supplies
  • Healthcare
  • Electronics
  • Crafts
  • Baby & toys
  • Bed and bath
  • Hardware, auto, and garden

Browse our huge range of bulk buys NOW

Tip of the Week: Do the math

Why not do the math on the bulk items you buy for your household? Then imagine what you could do with the savings. And the free time. 

Note: Most bulk items are US shipping only.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Product of the Week - Take $50 off this Fir Garden Bench

Garden Grove Wood Bench

Great pricing on this delightful fir garden/patio bench.

Reduced by $50 to $149.95


The beautiful brown tone wooded bench will make your garden or patio even more beautiful! Place this classic bench in your favorite outdoor space to enjoy the sunshine or the shade.

Item weight: 21.40lbs
Item dimensions: 20.00" W x 33.75" H x 52.75" L
Materials: Wood - Fir

Friday, January 26, 2018

7 Ways Your Food Choices Impact the Environment

Food production across the world does a lot of damage to the environment. And with a growing world population and increasing global temperatures, this is a problem in need of a speedy solution. Here are a few ways your food choices impact the environment and what you can do about them:
Choosing Local and Organic Produce
How many miles does the food you buy travel before it reaches your plate? It’s taken from the farm to a depot, to a warehouse, to a supermarket and eventually makes its way to your home. When food is transported by a non-electric vehicle, these “food miles” are all contributing to harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
Local produce – for instance, the produce you find at farmer’s markets – has had to travel a much shorter distance in comparison to the food you find in big supermarkets. 

Choosing Not to Eat Meat and Dairy
It’s now a well-known fact that cattle farming produces high levels of CO2. In fact, there are studies to suggest that cow “emissions” are more harmful to the environment than those from cars. When we consider that 30% of the world’s entire land surface is dedicated to livestock, it’s not hard to see how such a problem may have arisen.
Eating less meat and less dairy produce can, therefore, help to reduce CO2 emissions and the greenhouse gases that are causing global warming.
Choosing Sustainable Fish
Fish stocks in seas around the world are running low. Sustainable fishing methods have to be employed in order to maintain the food supply and keep our oceans healthy. You can now use apps and online tools to find out whether the fish you’re thinking of buying is as sustainable as it should be.
Reducing Food Waste
The amount of food wasted every day is gobsmacking. In the US up to 40% of food produced goes to waste. Not only does this cost households money, it also damages the environment. The environmental damage involved in the food production process is unnecessarily severe because of this waste.
We should buy more responsibly, plan meals, use leftovers and help the environment in the process.
Choosing Organic
The fertilizers and chemicals used on non-organic products often find their ways into water sources, rivers, seas and oceans. This can affect natural habitats and the supply of water safe for human consumption.
Choosing organic means none of these fertilizers and chemicals are used and we are able to maintain healthier waterways.
Choosing Products Containing Sustainable Palm Oil
Palm oil is present in a wide variety of household products – baked goods, confectionary, peanut butter and even toothpaste. This oil comes from the oil palm tree, grown in tropical climates across the world and often farmed unsustainably. Rainforests and wildlife habitats are being destroyed to make way for palm plantations. This level of deforestation is driving some species, such as the orangutan, to the brink of extinction. Seeking out products that use sustainable palm oil is a step in the right direction.
Choosing to Grow Your Own
Growing your own is the ultimate way to cut out the food production process and some of the environmental problems associated with it. When you grow your own, your food travels just a few meters to reach your table and it will all be organic. Whilst complete self-sufficiency is a step beyond most people and most gardens if lots of people make a few small changes we will start to make a difference.
We need to make big changes to the way we farm and shop if we’re to prevent further damage to the environment. As consumers, we need to shop more responsibly,  work to understand the risks food production poses to the environment and make more informed food choices.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

4 Reasons to Try Information Fasting

Information is omnipresent. Everywhere we go, everything we do is dominated by information and media. In this fast-paced, modern-day lifestyle, we are constantly filling our brain with information for it to process whether we’re conscious of it or not. The radio that we always have on in the car while we drive, the texting and social media that we consume, the conversations that we have at work and home—all of these are information for the brain to process in our minds as sensory experiences that can lead to an overload. In fact, a sensory overload lifestyle is so common these days that we’ve become numb to the inundation of information that we expose ourselves to.
A healthy way to get back in touch with yourself and take a break from all the noise is information fasting. Information fasting is unplugging entirely from experiences that put excess sensory information in your head, including all media, technology, music and chatting mindlessly with others. It’s about committing yourself for a set period of time, whether it’s one day a week or otherwise, to practice rewiring your focus to be internal rather than external. This acts as a reset for your body and mind and will benefit your overall development and health significantly.
While technology and the information it serves can fulfill a positive purpose and aid greatly in our daily lives, it’s good to take a step back and unplug on a regular basis. If you’re not sure whether this can be good for you or not, here are some benefits, as well as tips for how to best achieve effective information fasting:
1. Eliminate stress and anxiety.
By always plugging into technology, you may experience a hovering anticipation at all times—”Did I just get a text? Should I check my email? I wonder what’s going on in the news?” When you separate from this and set aside dedicated time to be focusing that attention on yourself, the feelings of attachment that come with a dependency to technology can be lifted from your shoulders. Suddenly, there’s less noise and traffic in your brain and more room to eliminate stress and anxiety.
2. Have time to nurture your self-development.
So much time is spent scrolling through newsfeeds or remaining glued to the screen, switching between apps. Set it aside for a while and go for a walk, meditate, or have a conversation with inner yourself. Where is your life headed to now? What is it that you really want? Also try getting in touch with your body more via movement with yoga, hiking, or exercise. Once you’ve taken a step back and spend more mindful time with yourself, you’ll quickly realize how much time you may have previously been consuming on your devices.
3. Give your brain time to refresh and clear itself.
Ever have the feeling of waking up tired even though you slept for a long time? That’s the result of carrying old information and energy from the previous day into your new day. Giving your brain a break from information allows it time to refresh and clear itself naturally. You’ll feel more balanced, harmonious, and less overwhelmed.
4. Get better sleep.
With information fasting, you’re cutting out the constant chatter that may be affecting your sleep whether it’s texting, talking to someone, listening to podcasts, being absorbed in music etc. On top of that, staring at a screen reduces the production of melatonin, a chemical released by the brain that puts our body to sleep at night. Take all the media and information out of the equation to result in far better sleep, and in turn, more energy and better moods the next day.
These are just a few of our tips and benefits of information fasting. The potential of it improving your life can be unlimited, all it takes is mindfulness and action on your part. Keep in mind how important it is to remain connected to yourself first and foremost, rather than disconnecting internally and plugging constantly into the outside world through technology. We recommend you to try information fasting and would love to hear what your thoughts are on the topic and your experience. What do you do to unplug from media? How has it affected your day-to-day? Let us know in the comments!

Monday, January 22, 2018

3 Things You Didn’t Know About Meditating

We need the benefits of meditation now more than ever. In this day and age, though, we are always on-the-go and most people don’t have the patience to stop and mindfully practice meditating in their free time. Even though we need something to help us de-stress and reconnect, a lot of society’s portrayal of meditation has led to inaccurate, fantasized ideas of meditation. So if you’re new to meditation, or perhaps just haven’t received the results you desired, we want to help you avoid the common misconceptions of meditating. Read below for our 3 key things you may not have known about meditation:
1. You shouldn’t expect a certain outcome.
If you’re new to meditation, you may be seeking it out as a solution to a problem or to improve a certain aspect in life. It’s perfectly normal to do that, but going into meditation with expectations can risk an ineffective meditation period. If you’re concentrating the whole time on what your desired outcome should be, it will distract and occupy your mind, rendering the meditation pointless. Meditation shouldn’t be viewed as a quantifiable or calculated practice. Many people believe that putting in a certain number of hours will equal a specific amount of results, which isn’t quite the right mindset to have going into a session. Try instead to drop expectations and forget what you want out of the session — just let yourself sink into the calm mind.
2. You don’t have to sit still.
Contrary to popular belief, meditation doesn't have to be sitting still for hours on end. You can meditate while walking (like longevity walking), lying down, or even while making a cup of coffee. The ultimate goal of meditation is to reach a mental state of relaxed concentration. If you’ve ever gotten to the point where you are deeply engrossed in something while solely focused on it, that’s the goal for head space. It's a state of mind rather than a physical act of sitting still. Some people even find sitting still causes rising chaotic thoughts. So, whatever it may be for you, find the method or action that puts you into the most meditative mode possible.
3. Your environment doesn’t have to be silent.
Meditation is always pictured being in a silent, serene scenario. Yes, it’s great to have a peaceful environment when practicing meditation, but there doesn’t need to be complete silence. In fact, it’s really helpful to use a chant (or Om) as you do it, as well as having ambient sound or music playing. The pattern or rhythm of a sound like that can aid your brain into falling into the brainwaves of meditation, or the alpha state. Meditation is all about the state of your brainwaves, so as long as you’re doing something to get your brain to that alpha level, you’re entering a meditative state. You’ll need to go through some trial periods to find what fits you best and is most effective. Try the altering methods yourself and see how it works, you could be surprised at how different your session may be, especially when visiting a true meditation mode where your brainwaves get to the alpha level.
Did you learn anything new about meditation?

Let the noise of your objectives slowly melt away, and as you sit in the silence, try to forget about what was on your mind previously. You may be surprised to gain an unexpected, yet positive result at the end.

There are many myths in the media about how to meditate, or what meditating should look like, but just remember that meditation is, in its purest form, based in science. It’s entirely about the state of your brainwaves, rather than form or technique. So if you can get your brain to that place, whether it’s moving around, listening to music, or sitting still, you’ll find a deeper, more meaningful connection with yourself every time you do it, and you’ll never go back to life without meditating. 


Friday, January 19, 2018

Feature Friday - Angel Themed Products

What does collecting angels say about you? Angels have attributes such as strength, intelligence, kindness, compassion, love, and holiness. Appreciating angels demonstrates you admire these personality traits. Angels often represent all that is good and pure. Someone who loves angels is far more likely to admire and aspire to these qualities of goodness and purity. 

They may represent your desire for enlightenment and self-realization. As they are spiritual beings, a love of angels may reveal a spiritual side of you which has faith in a relationship with God. Angels are known to protect and guide people. They are of service in almost any capacity that is required.

People who are drawn to angels may take comfort in feeling that there may be spiritual beings out there looking out for them. 

We may be mere human mortal beings, but we can always aspire to be like the angels.

We have everything from an angel heart mirror,  an angelic oil warmer, an angel figurine to satisfy your interest in angels.

To find more angelic items simply go to the search bar on the top left of the home page, type angel in the box, hit enter, and see the results. 

Trivia: did you know there is no official name for people who collect angel memorabilia? 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Introducing Our Great Range of Electronics and Accessories

We've secured a great range of items to meet every need and budget. From small accessories for the home office, computer, and phone right the way up to home theater and stereo. We even have portable and outdoor wireless speakers to deck out your backyard living space, patio, boat, or workshop! Now there's no reason to go without music while you relax, train, do yard work, or work in your sanctuary. 

We have a great range of cameras and camcorders, competitively priced tablets, alarm clocksMP3 & MP4 playersheadphones, computing and phone accessories, and even TV's

Browse our range of electronics goods & accessories now

Monday, January 15, 2018

Product of the Week - Take 33% off this Solar Water Fountain

Graceful Asian Temple Solar Water Fountain

Was $249.95 now $167.46 with FREE SHIPPING US & CANADA

Graceful Asian fountain has the authentic look of hand-hewn stone; a dramatic addition to your outdoor decor! Place this dual powered fountain anywhere you please: Solar panels for cord-free enjoyment, or an electrical plug for shady locations or overcast days. Ingenious! Weight 16.5 lbs. Polyresin, stonepowder, and sand. Solar panel, pump, electrical adapter included. Some Assembly Required. UL Recognized. 15 3/8" x 15 3/8" x 24 7/8" high.

Shop this product NOW

Friday, January 12, 2018

12 Ways to Be More Earth-Conscious This Year

1. Stop buying and using plastic water bottles
Reuse glass beverage bottles or reusable stainless-steel bottles. If you really want that pretty bottle, choose one that is made with earth-friendly materials by a company who is producing their goods through sustainable practices.

2. Cut down your shower time to conserve water
As much as you might love to, don't stand under the shower too long-- just get in and get out. You can use a natural all-in-one cleanser to cut down the time of washing everything separately, and if your hair is long, cut your hair shorter, and try a new style of hair!

3. Reduce your trash
Reuse the back side of a paper and make sure you recycle it after it's been fully used. Reduce packaging waste from foods by shopping in bulk. Some bulk grocers allow customers to bring their own containers! You can save money, as well, by doing this!

4. Stop using harmful household chemicals that are bad for the Earth
Be a conscious consumer and purchase the eco-friendly brands or simply make your own cleaning products. They normally only require a few ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, or lemon juice, and they are certainly effective!

5. Stop using self-care products that are destroying ocean life
Scrub beads or micro-beads are entering our ocean waters and destroying the marine life. There are also a ton of chemicals in our self-care products that poison not only humans but our environment. Read up on them! Always choose natural products that are safe for you and for the Earth.

6. Reduce your carbon footprint at the grocery store
Buy your produce from local grocers and farmers. Buy seasonal vegetables and fruits and have fun learning and creating new recipes!

7. Recycle
Call the city for a recycling bin, and learn about where you can properly dispose oil, batteries, food waste, bottles, cardboard, and much more!

8. Reduce your carbon footprint on the road
If you don't have an electric car yet, make sure you are getting regular oil changes so you aren't unnecessarily producing emission gases into the environment. Try riding your bike to work one day per week or few times a month, or use public transportation, carpool with your co-workers, or work remotely! Do your best to practice a healthier lifestyle while reducing your carbon footprint!

9. Stop using disposable straws and coffee cups
Use a stainless steel straw or no straw at all. You don't really need it! Simply bring your own mug or tumbler to have the coffee shop fill it with your favorite tea or java!

10. Be minimal
There is a huge movement of people adopting a minimalist lifestyle, which really helps people to de-clutter their lives and keeps them more mindful about buying too many materialistic baubles. It will all end up in a landfill in the end anyway. Less is more.

11. Support your favorite wild-animal or marine-life conservation agency
You must have a favorite animal, so look up a way you can help your animal friends live a good life! There are also organizations that take you out on an excursion and let you be part of their research! Check out

12. Animal agriculture is the #1 destroyer of Earth. Reduce or cut out your meat consumption!
Going to a plant-based lifestyle is not as hard or complicated you may think! There are so many ways to practice a plant-based lifestyle. Whether it is with food, beauty products, or clothing, we can make a conscious choice as a well-educated consumer. First try to adhere to, Meatless Mondays! There are many excellent documentaries out there to help you understand how important it is for your health and every living thing on this planet.

How to Spring Clean The Forgotten Things

Cleaning keeps our place feeling nice and fresh. It’s good for the mind and even better for ensuring a high quality of life. How ofte...