Monday, December 4, 2017


Flowing within our bodies is the energy that drives and maintains our life functions. This energy comes from the subatomic particles that compose all life. New York Times Best Selling Author Ilchi Lee has dubbed these as life particles. Life particles vibrate at the energy of various frequencies. In the east, we call this energy “Qi.” Everything that occurs in the body and the mind stems from the energy of life particles, the building blocks in life.

There are seven major points of intersection for the flow of this energy in our bodies. These points are called Chakras. Each Chakra is associated with and therefore influences specific parts of the body including hormones, emotions, colors and personality characteristics. Energy needs to fill and flow through all seven Chakras in order for people to be healthy in body and mind.

A change in the Chakras signifies a change in the body and mind. By mastering this energy, you can unlock the secret to changing yourself and the world for the better.

1. Root Chakra

The meaning of the first Chakra is the first and foremost fundamental of the Chakras. It is the energy center located at the base of the spine at the perineum. It is a field where energy gathers and is created. The first Chakra is where life force begins. Human beings reproduce and flourish through this energy. Only when the first Chakra is activated can subsequent Chakras be activated. Someone whose first Chakra is healthy has a strong will to live and overflows with vitality and beauty.

2. Sacral Chakra

The second Chakra is located below the navel in the lower abdomen. Along with the first Chakra, it controls the energies of sexuality and creation. The second Chakra is also an important energy center in our bodies. Stimulating the kidneys causes the energy of water to rise and the energy of fire in the chest to sink creating water up, fire down circulation. Achieving water up, fire down circulation makes our chest feel more comfortable and our heads clearer. The core principles governing our health are to be found in water up, fire down circulation. How are we to cause the heat in our heads to sink? Once the second Chakra is activated, the first Chakra when it functions normally pulls fire Qi down and pushes water Qi up. In this way, energy is created that allows us to live lives that are passionate, healthy and joyful.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra

The third Chakra is located on the inner wall of the spine behind the navel. It shows a state of a person’s energy through appetite for food. The third Chakra controls the bodies metabolism and overall function. It is very important as it is a place that controls ambition to work hard, love, eat, drink and live life. When your third Chakra is activated, you show ambition, confidence, and willpower. Your need for happiness, hope, and control are satisfied and your ability to manage life increases. When it isn’t, your stomach and your liver function may not be optimal. Physical health and happiness are managed in the third Chakra. The universe is made up of light, sound, and waves. Chakras, as we might expect, are affected by all three which causes them to open and close.

4. Heart Chakra

The fourth Chakra is located right in the middle of your chest. As the place that controls your heart, lung, and diaphragm, it is the palace where our souls dwell. It is also called the middle Dahn Jon. When the fourth Chakra is activated, love and compassion bloom in the heart and honesty, conscientiousness, sincerity, responsibility, and boldness develop.

5. Throat Chakra

The fifth Chakra is the energy center that is related to your throat. The fifth Chakra is in your throat at the thyroid gland. It’s a bridge linking your brain specifically to your third eye with your chest and the rest of your body. This area also helps you with different kinds of stress and helps promote emotional cleansing. This place is also called the Soul’s Gate. It is a very important Chakra that contributes a great deal to the completion of our soul. Without opening your fifth Chakra, you cannot open your sixth Chakra. The gate of the fifth Chakra must open if you are to encounter the divinity in your sixth Chakra. That is why the fifth Chakra is called the Soul’s Gate. When your fifth Chakra is activated, your speaking skills improve and you can achieve trust, friendliness, balance, and harmony. (It helps your fifth Chakra to tilt your head back as far as possible when you inhale. If you relax your neck a great deal and it becomes loose and pliable, then your body will become that much healthier. When your neck is stiff, your spine is still and your body can become unhealthy. So your neck becomes healthier through healing your fifth Chakra.) It is a very important place for resolving various problems involving hormones, emotions, and stress.

6. Third Eye Chakra

The sixth Chakra is the energy center connected directly to your brain. The sixth Chakra is in your brain which controls our bodies vital phenomena. We can say it is the source of consciousness and that it is a very important place. When your sixth Chakra is activated, not only does your once sleeping divinity awaken in your brain stem but you become able to access your infinite conscious and apply your abilities. You come to know the principle of eternal, self-existent life and you come to enjoy the great blessings and joys of realizing your divine nature and of discovering your true self. When your sixth Chakra is activated, your intuition, insight, peacefulness, and creativity increase and your concentration improve. Those whose sixth Chakras have awakened see the essence of a problem in a short period of time and can, therefore, give the most appropriate help to those who need it. They know how to read the energy currents of the world through intuition concerning the future and they lead those around them with creative ideas.

7. Crown Chakra

The seventh Chakra is called the Crown Chakra and it is also said to be called the Great Heaven’s Gate, which opens the way to heaven. The location of the seventh Chakra is the crown of the head. As the most sacred part of the human body, it is said to be a place people shouldn’t put their hands on haphazardly. It is the most sacred place. If you look at this image of the seventh Chakra, you’ll see a young child on a violet flower. Just as the physical body is born through the first Chakra, this symbolizes the spiritual body being born through the seventh Chakra. We can also say it’s a symbol of becoming one with heaven. The body is not perfect, however, our souls are perfect. The law of heaven has come down to us for the completion of our souls and if we are to practice the law of heaven, then our seventh Chakra must be open. To open the seventh Chakra, we have healed all of our other Chakras, beginning with the first going straight to the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth.  The birth of the spiritual body means we gain the great freedoms of the soul that are trapped in our bodies and that we become one with the cosmos. It is our final energy center where we achieve physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual integration. Within your experience of cosmic unity, you awaken to the order of the universe through the window of your mind as if watching a movie on a screen. When your seventh Chakra is activated, you develop wisdom and inspiration and a consciousness that transcends time and space.

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