Sunday, December 3, 2017


Synchronicity - the act of unseen forces beyond the physical realm that is acting in your life, constantly working with you and reflecting reality back to you. The unity of psyche and matter.

Have you ever had one of those moments when something occurs and you realize "everything happens for a reason?" That spawns from synchronicity, but often we may see it as a meaningful coincidence. Realize there are no coincidences nor accidents, everything happens for a reason and serves a purpose.

The concept of synchronicity was first described by Carl Jung in the 1920's. He insisted that events may be connected by a casual line, they may also be connected by meaning. A grouping of events by meaning need not have an explanation on terms of cause an effect.

Understand that we are apart of an intelligent universe filled with infinite opportunities, in which everything spawns from cause and effect. What's reflected out always has to begin within. There is nothing you can't do unless your mind is limited by that belief you imposed yourself.

Synchronicity is occurring around you all the time. Nothing in the universe is happening by chance. There is a reason and deeper meaning behind everything. From the people you meet, the events you attend, and from my experience, sometimes messages on the radio.

For example, a very lonely man dreamed he'd find the woman of his dreams one day. Occasionally, he would write down the qualities and features she would have. As time passed he began to doubt whether or not he'd ever find her. One day he woke up in a rage, everything wasn't going his way. As he drove to work, the peak of his rage was reached. He got into a car accident, rear-ending the driver in front of him. As he sat in the driver seat appalled with his hand over his face. The driver of the vehicle knocked on his window and his whole vibe changed. It was a woman with qualities he admired. She was an exact replica of the qualities and features he had written down. They soon fell in love.

Here's another example: a woman hated her job with a passion. Every day she'd go about miserably knowing there would be something better for her. One day she was driving, contemplating whether or not if she should quit. She feared of falling into oblivion knowing she didn't know where she would end up. As she stopped at a stoplight, she dropped her phone on the floor. As she reached and grabbed it, the second she looked up, a bus drove by with a sign saying "Just do it." She was inspired to quit and move on to something better.

Coming from self-experience, in my mind, I recreated the image of myself. I told myself "this is what I'm going to experience and this is how I see myself living." As time passed I've seen the universe conspire to help me live that life. By shifting my thinking, I've seen my life reconstruct itself just how I imagined. New friends, new experiences, new opportunities etc. Now looking back when things seemed like they weren't going too well, they were actually falling into place. I had to experience that to get to here. Synchronicity moved me along my path constantly allowing me to grow and change and it still continues to do so.

Synchronicity increases during transitional times, such as when changes are occurring in your reality. Start being more aware of your thoughts, desires, hopes, intentions, dreams, goals, etc. Get in touch with your feelings which will then help you follow your intuition. Listen to that inner voice within you. Take a risk, make mistakes, get outside of your comfort zone, that's where the magic is. You will be guided to make certain decisions on your journey. Make the decision and move on. Live without regret, because you are not defined by your mistakes in the past.

As life continues to flow, the universe is always communicating with us whether we are aware of it or not. Constantly sending us little messages, causing coincidences, and serendipities, reminding us to stop, to look around, to believe in something else, something more. Follow your inner voice. Follow your signs. Believe in your self. All things will fall into place and play out how they are supposed to. Remember, the universe is conspiring to help you create your own reality. You'll realize that synchronistic events happen a lot more frequently if you just pay close attention.

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