Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Subtle Energy: 7 Layers of The Aura

Everything in existence is a vibration. Everything in existence is a result of frequencies vibrating at certain speeds. In fact, nothing is actually solid, they're literally tiny atoms of energy in motion creating this illusion we call life. Everything you perceive with your senses is waves of energy. (Everything including your physical bodies)

We are much more than our physical bodies. The more you study and discover your true nature, you’ll soon understand that we exist on other dimensions simultaneously. We are multidimensional beings, and our earthly aspects are a very small part of who we are.

In reference to Nikola Tesla, “if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration”. Einstein also proved that everything in existence is energy.

Proven that everything is energy, this must mean that everything has an aura. From a metaphysical standpoint, "aura" refers to the energy field radiating from a person or object. Today, metaphysics describes the aura to be an electromagnetic field. (Can also be known as an Energetic signature) The aura is the shimmering glow that surrounds all things. The existence of these fields and auras have been claimed a proven fact by quantum physicist and psychologist.

“There are numberless energy rays in the universe...all rays...come from the subtle nature of the universe... The interwoven energy net influences the lives of individual human beings, whole societies, and entire races... A virtuous individual who responds to the high, pure, harmonious subtle energy rays and integrates them with the positive elements of his own inner being may strengthen his life, enhance his wealth and power, and lengthen his years."
—Lao Tzu, Hua Hu Ching
500 B.C

I believe we feel, sense, and see these energy fields all the time, but we’re not consciously aware 24/7. We store it away as background noise. Also from a personal perspective, I believe the ability to feel and see auras relies on the observer. By expanding your consciousness, you’re able to make these realizations. When one is ready to experience these type of energies, the energies will reveal themselves. Personally, I’m able to see people’s auras as well as feel different energies. These auras and energies can be referred to as “vibes," “frequencies," or just “energy” etc. (Hence the terms bad vibes or good frequencies)

In the human body, there are 7 different chakras and aura levels that exist simultaneously. (For this article, we’re only going to focus on the layers of the aura) These 7 layers of the aura are known as the "energy body" or "subtle energy," which mold together to make up the entire aura. Ancient traditions reference subtle energies by many different names such as Chi, Prana, etheric energy, life force etc. These energies have and continue to be studied by many quantum physicist and psychologists. An example would be Dr. Joy Jones of the University of California in Irvine who proved the existence and the effects of subtle energy, on and in the human body.

The aura consist of 7 layers :
Layer 1: Etheric Body
Layer 2: Emotional Body
Layer 3: Mental Body
Layer 4: Astral Body
Layer 5: Etheric Template Body
Layer 6: Celestial Body
Layer 7: Ketheric/Causal Body

The first layer of the aura is the "Etheric Body." The first layer is referred to as the bridge that connects the other layers of subtle energy. (Closest to the human body) Layer that corresponds to physical life such as, pain, feelings, and pleasure. Usually a bluish grey in color, which is the easiest to see with the naked eye. (May also appear as different shades of blue)

The "Emotional Body" is the 2nd layer of the physical body. It vibrates emotions and feelings. The emotional body gives the opportunity to have desires and emotions. This particular layer can be seen as any color of the rainbow.

The 3rd layer is the "Mental Body," which represents thoughts, mental processes, and creativity. It gives us the ability to recognize and have thoughts, as well as: beliefs, ideas, and mental abilities. This is where you create the desires of your soul. Can be seen as a bright yellow and often radiates around the head, neck, and shoulders.

The 4th layer is the "Astral Body," where Astral cords are formed. (Astral cord is the link or silver cord that connects your Astral self to your physical body) The "Astral Body" is the door to the astral world. This aura color is usually rosy pink when intimate or love relationships are formed. Techniques such as lucid dreaming, astral projection, and psychedelics are stimulants for the astral body.

The 5th layer is the "Etheric Template,"  which represents the entire blueprint of the body that exists on the physical plane. It includes everything you create on the physical level, including identity and personality. This aura color can vary in color.

The 6th layer is the "Celestial Body," which carries a strong and powerful vibration. This level is where we experience spiritual euphoria. It gives us higher access to thoughts, feelings, and manifestations. Usually pearly white in color. It is from this layer of energy, which allows communication with Astral beings such as spirit guides to become possible. (Difficult to see this aura - light pastel colors with no particular form)

The 7th layer is the "Ketheric Template," which is furthest from the physical body. (2-3 ft away) This layer holds the information about your soul and past lives. This level vibrates at the highest frequency. Represents your oneness with the universe. (Very few people claim to be able to see this layer of the aura)

We are all transmitters and receivers of subtle energy, whether conscious or unconscious. Once we become aware of subtle energy, we have the opportunity to learn to help ourselves, as well as others.

Every human being has these 7 layers of aura within, but we all differ with the rate of speeds the aura emits. Meditation is helpful when it comes to strengthening your aura levels. Thoughts and emotions also play a key role in the aura. Positive thoughts and emotions help increase the vibration of the aura.

When it comes to the use of crystals...crystals effect those aura levels that I just mentioned. Depending on the crystal, it’ll emit a certain frequency that’ll effect or enhance the aura level.

Food is also a key factor to the aura layers given that food is energy. Food is important: Everything we eat affects our body and energy levels. Lower your use of fast food restaurants since their foods don’t have a positive effect. They’re just processed low energy foods that just fill a void temporarily, no natural vibration from Gaia. Foods that are grown naturally from the earth are best for the aura since they emit a higher frequency. (Research high-frequency foods and you’ll find a list of foods to choose from)

There are different possible ways to help see some of these aura levels. One of the easier ways to practice seeing auras is to have someone stand in front of a white wall or background. Gaze at the middle of their forehead. (Limit your blinking) Begin to see with your peripheral when the person goes out of focus. The aura should reveal itself after some time. You’ll begin to see a light glow radiating from the body. (Look with your peripheral towards the head and shoulders)

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