Saturday, December 2, 2017


Imagination - the ability to conceive ideas or to form images of something not present to the senses.

So what is the imagination? Is it the source of your creativity? Or is it just random mental imagery in your head? In fact, I would like to refer it as both of these questions. Imagination is a uniquely human ability. Imagination allows us to explore different ideas that are not present in the moment.

Imagination is used for a variety of things, including, picturing, planning, creativity, etc.... For example, one can imagine being captured and tortured by aliens he or she created in their head. What colors do you want the aliens to be? How tall do you want the aliens to be? Where would you like to be captured? The choice is all up the person imagining these things. Imagination is magical. Take a moment in your time to watch a young child play alone and you will experience first hand the happiness that comes from imagination.

Your imagination takes place on the right side of your brain, while the left side is filled with facts, figures, languages, etc. The problem with modern society is that we're always pushed to use our left side. From a very young age, we were put into school and we were taught facts, logic, languages, etc. Then when you graduate from school, you go get a job that only requires left brain type of thinking. They teach students what to think and not how to think. So its easy to say that whoever is in charge of these schools and businesses control the way you think. If they control your thoughts and imagination, they control you. They never taught us how our thoughts and imagination shape the reality we experience.

That's right, our thoughts and imagination play a huge part on the daily lives we live. It’s long been said that “thoughts become things."  We need to understand that when we stay immersed in what is directly in front of us all the time, we continually repeat the same experiences and problems on a daily basis. But when we venture into our imagination, the energy is set in motion to not only attract but to create different experiences in our lives. As Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Thought can attract to us that which we first mentally embody, that which has become a part of our mental make-up, a part of our inner understanding. Every person is surrounded by a thought atmosphere. This mental atmosphere is the direct result of his conscious and unconscious thought, which, in turn, becomes the direct reason for, and cause of, that which comes into his or her life.

So if that's the case, wouldn't you want to think for yourself? Don't allow anyone to take away your desired thoughts or imagination. It's all about reclaiming your mind from society and breaking free from the way society wants you to think. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to use your imagination. Keep your inner child alive.

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